discord recap from dec12 1am UTC to dec15 10am UTC. special thanks to @stu#1979 for helping me with gathering infos
CATCHUP MEETING: we plan on holding another catch-up meeting this weekend (?) here on discord to discuss the next #
roadmap steps. @malicioussheep56#3843 proposed a list of talking points here: https://discordapp.com/channels/908672304236625970/909483341164740678/919699086389706823.
if you want to see other points on that list, head to #roadmap . @thebadlament#1844 has set up a poll on the times and date for the meeting in #
polls : Discord
NAMING/BRANDING: We now got the feedback from IP lawyer @limkuan#8096 about our naming options. the gist seems to be: variations on the names on our list that are already used by other crypto projects are the best way to avoid legal issues in the future. we have one last question to clarify with @limkuan#8096 and then we can move to the next voting round (voting on the naming variations/ cleared names) - possible ETA for the voting: after the catch-up meeting (?)
Here is the branding analysis and name variations suggested by the branding team:
and here is the list of the name clashes (by mumuthestan):
ARTFKT: similar to sneaker NFTs https://rtfkt.com/
Nihil et Omnia (short form: NEO) : NEO is a blockchain https://neo.org/
HXN : a crypto token name https://havensnook.io/ , Havens Nook price today, HXN to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap
Agora : https://www.tezosagora.org/
Oroboro: similar to Ouroboros, a Cardano protocol Cardano | Ouroboros
SYNC: similar to NFT platform https://async.art/
Mycelium: a cryptowallet https://wallet.mycelium.com/ and blockchain music project http://myceliaformusic.org/
Aura: https://auraluxuryblockchain.com/
read the statements by @limkuan#8096 (Lim Kuan 林宽 - Partner - Ming & Partners | LinkedIn) from here on: https://discordapp.com/channels/908672304236625970/909355171455336489/919952421319483455
Hi all, I have read through the list of proposed names and I find that many of proposed names are quite ‘distinctive’, which is a test for trademark registrations. However, some would pose as a legal issue in the future, especially where the Proposed Names are identical or similar with marks used by others in the similar classes of goods and services.
There are 45 classes under the NiCE international classification. cryptocurrency related services are Class 36, NFTs are usually class 35 and 42, e.g. OpenSea registered its mark for Class 35 and 42. Despite the Proposed Names could be in different classes, confusion may still occur as certain classes are closely connected to one another, esp cryptocurrency, NFTs and related goods or services.
So to avoid legal cease and desist letters or litigation, it’s best to come up with a name that does not confuse the public with other cryptocurrency related proprietors.
The simplest test is to Google the Proposed Names to check whether are there other proprietors in the crypto or NFT field that are already using the identical or similar mark. If the answer is yes, the earlier proprietors will have a cause of action against the Proposed Name. Hope this clarifies. Once Proposed Name is decided, it is important to decide the proprietor to own the trademark, if there are plans for trademark registrations.
The most straightforward way is to avoid marks that are already used by earlier proprietors. If earlier proprietors have registered their marks, they may issue trademark infringement proceedings or passing off actions against the Proposed Name.
MARKETPLACE CONTRACT: The new contract is still in testing stages, but seems to move along well, there have been some discussions in #
marketplace-contract contract about how to incentivise/nudge people to use the new v3 contract once it is implemented. the v3 contract will be the source of our funding as it executes the fees that land in our multisig wallet.
EVENT: i want to plug this community “OBJKT4” event by @diversenftart called “#OBJKT4Xmas” once again. for more information have a look here: https://twitter.com/diversenftart/status/1469333717281816576?s=21
discussion on events should happen in #events-planning .